Dr. Steven Levine is an award-winning top board-certified plastic surgeon who offers body contouring surgery. All plastic surgeries are customized to the unique desires of the patient.
- Surgical body contouring can result in dramatic changes to your appearance, improving self-esteem and confidence.
Pregnancy, dramatic weight changes, hormones, aging and other factors can lead to significant changes in one’s body. Body contouring plastic surgery aims at restoring body contour by significantly improving the shape and tone of underlying tissue and removing excess fat and skin.
Dr. Steven Levine, is trained to the highest possible standards in plastic surgery and has gained world-wide recognition in his field. His patients not only trust his professional judgment and extensive experience, they feel cared for as individuals.
Dr. Levine is a sensitive and caring plastic surgeon who will meet with you personally at your consultations and explain in detail what can be achieved with plastic surgery and what you can expect before, during and after plastic surgery.
Body Contouring Procedures Include:
- Arm Lift
- Gynecomastia
- Liposuction – including VASER liposuction and micro liposuction (small areas including knees, calves, and ankles)
- Thigh Lift
- Tummy Tuck
Dr. Levine provides highly personalized and comprehensive care. His philosophy regarding the plastic surgeon/ body contouring patient relationship is based on trust and has earned him one of the most respected reputations in New York.
- The top-rated plastic surgeon uses the latest techniques to provide the most natural-looking results possible for your plastic surgery procedure.
Dr. Levine is honored to provide you with highly personalized and comprehensive care. Our philosophy of direct plastic surgeon to patient care at every visit has made us one of the most trusted and respected plastic surgery practices In New York.
The board-certified plastic surgeon is committed to providing the optimal environment for each of our patients so that surgery can be approached with comfort and confidence. Our on-site out-patient surgical facility is fully licensed by the state of New York as an Ambulatory Surgical Facility. Our plastic surgery center is also accredited by the American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities and inspected annually for compliance with these organizations’ requirements.
If you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Steven Levine, please contact the plastic surgeon’s practice:
Steven M. Levine, MD
521 Park Ave
New York, NY 10065
(212) 448-7450